Insinc Products Blog: Tag: non

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  • Breaking it Down: The Surprising Differences Between Recycled and Non-Recycled Paper Towels
    Paper towels are an indispensable part of our lives. We use them to clean up messes, dry hands, and absorb liquids in our homes, offices, schools, and businesses. But have we ever stopped to wonder about the environmental cost of using paper towels? In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of paper towel use, exploring the environmental impacts they have on our planet.
    Posted: Friday 24 February 2023
  • Enzyme based cleaners - Environmentally friendly cleaning products
    Cleaning with enzyme-based cleaners. A safer and healthier alternative to toxic cleaners, solvents, caustics and bleaches, enzymatic cleaners are a fantastic all-purpose cleaner to eliminate smells, stains, and grime.
    Posted: Friday 29 May 2020
