How Does an Enzyme Cleaner Work on Pet Urine?

How Does an Enzyme Cleaner Work on Pet Urine?


Pets are wonderful creatures that bring joy into our lives. But let's face it, they don't always make the best house guests. Accidents happen, and sometimes those accidents leave behind lingering odours. That's where enzyme cleaners come in. Enzyme cleaners are designed to break down the odour-causing molecules left behind by pets, making your home smell fresh and clean again. But how do they work? 

How Does an Enzyme Cleaner Work?

Enzyme cleaners are composed of living microorganisms that secrete enzymes. These enzymes break down the proteins in urine into smaller molecules, which eliminates the odour-causing substances. In order for the enzyme cleaner to work, it must come into contact with the urine deposits. Once it has had time to work, usually around 15 minutes, you will see results. 

Enzymatic cleaners are safe to use around children and pets and are often used by professional carpet cleaners to remove pet urine stains and odours. They are also a popular choice for cleaning up accidents in homes with childen because of their gentle, natural formulas.

When shopping for an enzymatic cleaner, you can buy options that are specifically designed to remove pet urine odours, or concentrated cleaners that you dilute (dilute as per instructions). 

An enzyme based cleaner doesn't mask the smell, it gets to the source and eliminates it.

If you're looking for a way to remove cat and dog urine odours from your home, an enzyme cleaner is a good option. Enzyme cleaners are safe and effective at breaking down the urine molecules that cause odours, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean again. 

Posted: Saturday 17 September 2022
